Great news! Hot water rebates will again be offered for a full year campaign for both new and pre-existing gas customers, as long as all other terms of the campaign are met.
Offer 1: Rebates for new gas connection customers.
This offer is for existing home properties that are connecting to natural gas for the very first time. Properties reconnecting to natural gas are not eligible for this promotion, UNLESS the property has been disconnected from natural gas for a significant period of time and special approval is requested from us prior to rebates being offered.
Rebate offers are as follows:
- 1 x $500 rebate for the installation of a dedicated natural gas hot water system.
- 1 x $500 rebate for the installation of a flued natural gas space heater e.g. gas log fire, wall furnace.
- 1 x $500 rebate for the installation of a natural gas ducted central heating system or hydronic heating system.
- $100 rebates for any other natural gas appliance fully installed e.g. cooktop, bbq, oven, pool heater (no rebates payable for bayonet points).
*Limits are per metered dwelling.
Plus, existing home customers connecting for the first-time also qualify for a once-off $500 connection bonus.
This offer for existing home connection customers and is available from 1 January 2020 until 13 December 2020.
Offer 2: Rebates for customers already connected to natural gas.
This offer is for existing home customers who are already connected to natural gas (generally, that means connected for 6 months or longer). These rebates are only available for specific periods; more detail listed below.
Rebate values are as follows:
- 1 x $500 rebate for the installation of a dedicated natural gas hot water system (promotion period 1 January 2020 through to 13 December 2020).
- 1 x $500 rebate for the installation of a flued natural gas space heater e.g. gas log fire, wall furnace (promotional period 1 April 2020 until 31 July 2020).
- 1 x $500 rebate for the installation of a natural gas ducted central heating system or hydronic heating system (promotional period 1 April 2020 until 31 July 2020).
- $100 for any other appliances connected (including but not limited to: outdoor radiant heating, cooktop, oven, bbq, pizza oven or ). (promotion period 1 January 2020 through to 13 December 2020).
*Limits are per metered dwelling; job address must be covered by AGN’s network. No rebate will be payable for natural gas to natural gas appliance replacements.
$500 rebates for natural gas heating appliances in new build homes (SA-exclusive).
Complete your dream home with the warmth of a natural gas heating system.
- Claim a $500 rebate for installing a flued natural gas room heater (e.g. a natural gas decorative log fire, natural gas wall furnace, natural gas space heater).
- Claim a $500 rebate for installing a whole of home natural gas heating system (e.g. natural gas ducted heating, natural gas hydronic heating).
- Claim a $100 rebate for installing any other natural gas heating appliance (e.g. portable heating, outdoor heating).
- Claim a $100 rebate for installing a natural gas bbq.
Other Terms and Conditions apply. Exclusive to SA new build customers, only. For more information please contact the Australian Gas Networks